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개발자 기술 면접 준비 자료 모음


1. Technical Interview GuideLines for Beginners : https://github.com/JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner


GitHub - JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying progr

:boy: :girl: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. :space_invader: - GitHub - JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner: Techn...


2. 신입 개발자 전공 지식 & 기술 면접 백과사전 : https://gyoogle.dev/blog/


👨🏻‍💻 Tech Interview



3. Tech Interview : https://github.com/WeareSoft/tech-interview


GitHub - WeareSoft/tech-interview: 🙍 tech interview

:loudspeaker:🙍 tech interview. Contribute to WeareSoft/tech-interview development by creating an account on GitHub.


4. 프론트엔드 인터뷰 핸드북(번역) : https://github.com/yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook/tree/master/contents/kr


GitHub - yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook: 🕸 No-bullshit answers to the famous h5bp "Front-end Job Interview Questions"

🕸 No-bullshit answers to the famous h5bp "Front-end Job Interview Questions" - GitHub - yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook: 🕸 No-bullshit answers to the famous h5bp "Front-end J...


5. 우아한 Tech - 10분 테코톡(Garbage Collector 부분이 제일 좋음) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xJU8HfBREY&list=PLgXGHBqgT2TvpJ_p9L_yZKPifgdBOzdVH 


# 지원자도 회사를 평가합니다 : https://brunch.co.kr/@goodgdg/142


지원자도 회사를 평가합니다. 이렇게요.

지원한 회사에 면접 보러 갈 때, 나는 항상 질문 리스트를 적어갔다. 면접관들 앞에서 주섬주섬 핸드폰을 꺼내며 '제가 궁금한 것들을 적어왔는데 잠깐 봐도 될까요?'하면 대부분이 당황했다. 그


